Why should I care about God?
Is God real? Why should I care about God? Does he care about me?
At one point or another, we have all asked these questions. Would it surprise you to find out that the God of the universe has a father’s heart and wants to demonstrate His love to you?
You are designed to be a receiver of His love and without accepting His love, the void in your heart leaves you feeling unloved. You may have tried to fill this void in your heart with all kinds of things: sex, alcohol, drugs, knowledge, pride or power. The list endless.
But have you ever felt loved by someone no matter what you did or said? Most have never encountered this, even from parents. You have an expectation to receive unconditional love but your experience in life has been just the opposite.
But wait! There is good news. Do you know the God of the Universe loves you no matter what you do or say? There is nothing you can do to earn God’s love. There is nothing you can do to get God’s favor. In fact, He has plans and a future for you if you obey His Fatherly words.
Do you know people who know this loving Father God and demonstrate it?
There are many who talk about God, but do they have God’s power? Can they pray for you and God physically heal you? Can they actually prophesy to you about your past or your future? Can they give you instructions that set your heart free, or do they create just another self inflicted law to live by? Can they pray for your mind and it be at peace and rest?
Father God wants to demonstrate His love to you today through his followers.
[Transcript of intro video]