April 2022
We are still working with our lawyer to gather all the paperwork for the visas. Hopefully, this summer we will complete this task. Talking with other Ecuador expats, our delays are familiar stories. Like much in Latin culture, we just have to be diligent and patient.
During Easter week in Cuenca, Pastor Damian and his church went out to Caldron Park with food and bibles to reach people for the Gospel. Thanks to your donations, we paid for the full OT/NT spanish bibles (with a lion face on the front) they handed out. They went out several times during this very religious week.
This trip was to see if we had recovered enough from COVID. Deb and Chris both had it but Chris’s case landed him in the hospital. He left the hospital 8 weeks ago. We had to be flexible with our schedule based on our bodies being 2 miles up in the air. Both Deborah and I had difficulties breathing and feeling fatigue. As the week progressed, Chris’s health improved.
It was good to be back in Ecuador and renew friendships after 6 months. The cost of airfare and lodging has gone up 66% since October. The trip was short but we did get to meet with 2 new pastors.
Journal of Events:
The first Sunday, Chris preached at both services at Pastor Gonzalez’s church. It was the first time we worked with Joanna Chipana as a translator. She did an excellent job of following and speaking Spanish. The sermon was half testimony and half sermon about how God was with us during 3 months of bed ridden in severe pain and Chris’s COVID hospitalization. It was an encouraging word for those going through difficult situations.
On Sunday night, Pastor Carlos’s daughter invited us to her family birthday party. We had so much fun laughing and playing games. We did get to meet more of their extended family.
On Tuesday night, we went to Pastor Weldon's church Trinity Vineyard. They were having a Vigil service. It started at 9PM and went through until 5 AM. Every two hours they take a bathroom and refreshment break. It is a time of prayer, singing, testimonies, fellowship, food and drink. It was mostly teenagers and students with a few older folks like us. They are going to hold vigils every month.
On Wednesday night, I took Deb out for her birthday.
On Thursday night, we went over to Antonio (my Spanish teacher and main translator) and his family for dinner. They baked a birthday cake and sang her birthday songs (see videos).
We met with Pastor Damian and his family at our counseling center (McDonalds) on Friday night. Their kids enjoyed the playset and we got to know each other. We also shared our vision and reason for being in Cuenca with them. They are excited to get to know other pastors with the same heart for the kingdom. We talked for hours and McDonalds was closing, so we had to stop. They invited us to their church on Sunday but we could not get a translator. In June, we will plan on preaching on Sunday.
We met with Pastor Carlos Nieto and his family at our McDonald”s counseling center on Saturday night. This was the first time we met them. They are a great couple with college age children. They shared their family and church stories. We shared ours and explained the vision and reason for us in Cuenca. They were very excited about cross church conferences and building relationally. We also talked about supporting a cross church student christian band. Pastor Carlos used to be in a band. When we come back in June, we will bring the band members together and see if they would be interested. When we come in June, Pastor Carlos Nieto wants us to preach at their church.
The last Sunday in Ecuador, we went to Trinity Vineyard (expat) church. We had lunch with Pastor Weldon and his wife. They just celebrated their 40 year anniversary and renewed their vows on Saturday.
Please pray for our June trip:
We will bring the Spanish pastors/pastoras together for them to get to know each other. The Cuenca pastors need to relate to one another for God to fulfill the vision for the city.
We are going to try to schedule a dinner with the various student band members. Students do not turn down food!
The opportunity to preach in Pastors Damian and Nieto churches.
We need to continue to meet and relate with the American pastors.
We need wisdom in traveling cheaper.
We need to meet the leader of the Baptist pastor network in Cuenca. This is a closed fellowship of Baptist and Alliance ministers. Pray for open doors.
Considering renting a multi bedroom house on a monthly lease. This will allow us to experience an extended experience and to bring other ministers down to Cuenca.
Again, we want to thank you for your prayers and your donations. Checks can be sent to:
TKoG Mission
1506 Wild Rye Cir
Princeton, TX 75407
The time is now for the Cuenca pastors and every believer to begin “living life together”,
Chris and Deborah Korson